Sunday, January 25, 2009

the past lil while

I'll give you all a little break from my obscure picture blogging just to keep you up to par with what i've been doing. Here it goes:

i saw marco polo ... he was fresh

drove by sam the record man and they tore it down

hung out with my friend ami & co

went to the gdft x-mas party

witnessed some really awful weather

celebrated joanne's surprise party with her and my friends

left Jo's party for a lil and headed to the IRIS party for a min. New shit looks tight, keep up the hard work Merv!!

My brother Kev invited me to his place for Christmas. We traded gifts I got him Bad Brains live DVD him and Haze got me Polo gloves with a shirt. thanks guys! Enjoyed celebrating the holdays with good people..

Popped a bottle that was left over from new years at my barbers crib. Flawless was our server

Went bowling after drinking crystal and I used my last $2.00 to buy glow in the dark glasses

My boy Toby Shinobi is the next Ed Hardy, peep the design he did for my family friend. Her boyfriend drew it by the therefore he is the true "artist"

defrosted in jack astors and saw some cougars in action...roaaaar

Hit up Circa coutesy of my homey Kid-X, THANKS!

Saw Hazel in a magazine. Lookin good Haze!!!

Smoked a Cohiba, really good cigar and was on the house. How can you complain?

Mcdonalds using Stussy font? I dont get it

Went to the Lil Wayne concert courtesy of Kat. Thank you so so so very much! T Pain was sick and Wayne was pretty ill as well

Ab-liva (RE-UP Gang) holding down Philly. He super ill if you don't believe listen here . Clipse at Circa our boy Q was on stage, impressive Quentin

My homey Marc got kicked out of his bank, they wrote him a cheque and told him to leave

Aroma got great tea.. mint leafs in it too

Thats all folks

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