Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lazy Weeks In March.

Been lacking on updates so here's a big update. This is what I was doing about a weekend/week ago

started out at my friend Rob's place. It was his birthday; Happy Birthday Rob

Rob broke out some cigars

Best view in the city at an apartment that i've seen thus far, hands down.

This is what happens when your roomate is a stoner...

DJ Rob

drinks with my homeys... Sangria at Vivoli

fuck the world don't ask Ami for shit...

Sundays with the regular homeys.. hit up Yorkdale mall

Vincent Galo for H&M

Had to convince Dr.Phan not to purchase a hockey Jersey

Serioulsy, Tap Out is my shit!!! The collaboration with them and Kimbo Slice is dooope!!!

And the award for best ass of the day goes too...

Kev was seriously going to buy these shades...

Hit up Duffs for dinner... can only eat this stuff once in a while

This is why we call Danny Dr.Phan, cause he changes blackberry face plates


Ami Wednesday's are my favorite...

We went to Yorkville

and we checked out my friend Zeb's latest Nomad installation.. Looks really good please pay him a visit "United Front/Nomad" 1200 Bay St, the store looks awesome!

We went walking in the rain

Ami gave me a ride in her Ferarri...Sike!!

artistic shot


Thursday night saw Big Daddy Kane... thanks to Corwin for making it happen! Show was awesome and when Scoob came out and danced the crowd literally exploded...Although Kane aint in the best shape he's still a legend in my opinion, he got busy with Madonna and Naomi Campbell in their prime and has photos to prove it. Lyrically one of the best EVER hands down!! I can go on... Long live the Kane

Caught these 3 in a parking garage

Drinks on College

Belongs to no one...

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