Sunday, June 14, 2009

june weekend.

The usual stuff aka parties, females, liquor, food, friends and basically just another weekend in june.

drank coffee and had a meeting with the homey ace and mikey..

senorita? ehhh

nice bike

homeless guy was having a seizure, felt pretty bad, was going to record it but didn't think that would be appropriate.

for the record long boards absolutely SUCK!!!

someone please buy this guy a new haircut.

NFC is the bootleg KFC

great veal sandwich, still have to hit up Commisso's as suggested by Bryan E and many other folks.

Value Village has all your street wear needs. DQM x HUF Tenderloin hoody $5.99

the sun was going down

and when it got dark all the retards lined up for passes so they can see the Jonas Brothers... pathetic

Hit up Sky Bar, The Clipse were scheduled to perform..

OMG!!! Fake Robin Nisho..again

sick camera

man this guy was going off with the dancing..

Finally The Clipse

i told you his dancing was crazy

Pusha T

Jack Flawless


the real deal arabic food.. my brother put me onto some super duper ill arabic food.

Crazy senorita

oh man LOL

this guy again... dresses like he is from Australia

DJ Skratch Bastard.. this dude is a MONSTER!! thanks to Matt L for showing me whats good (no homo)

These two held each other when Al Green came on hahaha couldn't stop laughing

cornballs of the evening award goes to...

stopped by a party and the gucci/lv king was there

my blog is trendy now.

sexy paulyne

mos def's wife.. her "manager" makes me laugh, never seen someone take a basic photo so serious. like dude started questioning the photographer "whats this for?" are you stupid? were at a party and he is taking event photos.. stop this fake businuess bullshit

Nice walking stick

Gift from Danny to Hazel


saw some prime goods

i hate police but these are awesome

bon voyage hazey, we'll see you in a year.

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