Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Jennifer Aniston Married in July

Jennifer Aniston Married in July - Previously, Jennifer Aniston was revealed that he had given an ultimatum to Justin Theroux to marry by the end of 2012. Now, it was rumored that the couple will be married this summer.

Rumors were growing rapidly. Jennifer is said to have gone to Greece to find the right location for their wedding. Some sources even say that they will marry in July.

TMZ was later reported that Jennifer has settled on a Ellunda Beach Hotel. Atmosphere of the hotel is located in Crete was deemed most appropriate for their wedding reception.

But along with the development of this news, a spokeswoman Jennifer was immediately denied. According to them, the rumor was completely untrue. Jennifer has never even visited the hotel in question.
Jennifer Aniston Married in July.

"How could the figure of Jen, the most sought-after photographs, can go to foreign places without being seen by the camera?" said the spokesman.

Apart from her own wedding news, Jennifer is reportedly very pleased with the engagement news of Angelina Jolie with Brad Pitt. Although his divorce from Brad was not a pleasant thing, but he's been pleased with the couple's happiness.
Jennifer Aniston Married in July.

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