Sunday, November 30, 2008


Adrift threw a photography party. This was the best photo there. Not being biased at all, photo by Ian Reid.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Raj keeps it real


Keep on chasing that paper...never stop

Touch Warhol

Touch Magazine in Hong Kong features a Warhol exhibit. Great!

Fake Dipset

This was summer 06 Caribana weekend. This dude was on some fake baller shit pretending to be part of Dipset and claiming set with the Byrdgang. That t-shirt is sick but pretending to be down with a clique aint really that fresh, I guess when you're from "Harlem" anything is possible. DIPP DIPP SETT SEETTT

Friday, November 28, 2008

Avi Gold by Brian Cleaver

Although we've had our feuds Brian is still a good dude out doing his thing now in the big apple. A talented photographer who made the right step for his career. Check him out here. This photo was taken at a Raekwon concert at the Fairmont Royal York. I was blinded by the lights he was using so surprised that I didn't blink.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Yeaaaaaaaaaah Boy!!!!!

Don't, Don't, Don't BELIEVE THE HYPPPPPPE! Legendary day, I made him sign my Public Enemy Vans.

Goodbye Summer

Ami I hope you don't think i'm wierd but I love this photo.

Road Trip

I think this was summer 2007, me and my friends had fun. Maybe over the next few days i'll post the pics.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Check Out Zero's Blog Or You'll Get Smacked In The Face

My boy Zero $c started a blog. Check him out here. He'll keep you up to date and for the record probably one of the realest dude's I've ever met. The below pictures represent Z. Never forget the time I arrived in NY and dude was mag lighting pedestrians in the face and they couldn't do shit.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Photos By Magdalena M

You're looking at the work of the extremely talented photographer Magdalena M. Well captured and styled photographs with a fashion forward twist; impressive to say the least. Check more of Magdalena's work here or her blog here. I love the 6th photograph from the top which showcases a model in death valley.

J.R. Ewing vol.1

Wow, found some old photos on my computer. Look what we have here basically the way that J.R. used to stunt back then. Game worn jersey's with autograph's, OG Nike 80's heat with tags still in place, crisp fitted and cazal's. Back then we used to call him "Kosher" this was way before he transformed into J.R. Ewing the man he is today.


Holy shit this picture is old. Who remembers when Skam worked at GDFT? The old layout of the store when it just had that small counter and the tv behind that played re-runs of basketball and x rated music videos. Never forget when me and Q were hanging around the store and one of the extremely x rated Jadakiss videos came on and titties were exposed everywhere, MG told him to turn it off ahhaha. Crazy how time flies,kinda miss the old days.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jun visits pt.3

A few months back Jun came to visit Toronto and that meant we had to meet up with all his friend. Rounded up Geedub, Kev and Hazel for a late afternoon drink session and snacks. Took Jun by Goodfoot/Ransom where he saw Andrew who he hadn't seen in about a year. Chicken wings, beers and an insightful conversation. Really hope Jun comes back to visit, fun having that guy around. The ladies love his accent and charisma.

Kevin Lyons

This is what we call a graphic design extradoinaire. Kevin Lyons has done work for a wide range of lifestyle brands including Supreme, aNYthing, SSUR, Stussy, Nike and the list goes on. Although his website doesn't function the best some of his "random" captured images carry a sense of nostalgia. He also has a book called "Pussy and Papers, Poetry, Power and Pistols Book " he is what we reffer to as a true behind-the-scenes pioneer. To see some of his work pick up his book off Amazon or have it special ordered. Below pictures are from Kevin's website.

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