Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Don Letts

Can't remember the exact date but it was a Stussy party before the store opened in conjunction with Josh Chuese celebrating the launch of Josh's book. I had the pleasure of meeting Josh (who I managed to become really cool with) and his long time friend and straight up living legend Don Letts. Now it's easy to call someone a "legend" or consider them a modern day classic but this guy I kid you not is all that combined into one. Some have crowned him the man responsible for bringing punk rock and reggae together do your history and read up about him here. Don was down with Bob Marley, The Clash, Sex Pistols etc.. he even made a movie about punk rock. If he ever comes to your city try catch him DJ'ing apparently it's something you'll never hear anywhere else. Check the photo below he told me to put the sunglasses on.

bonus photos:

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