Saturday, May 23, 2009

drizzy drake.

A few weeks back on a Wednesday I was kindly invited to the Drake concert and in old school fashion I rolled out with some of my closest friends to the show. Special thanks to my friend Oliver for taking care of all of us, it truley means a lot!! Driving around downtown was crazy hectic due to the on going Tamil protest so I was trying to stay away from those areas it was just really hard to avoid haha. Rounded up the troops and off we went to The Sound Academy only to witness a ton of people standing outside and a more then over welming crowd, I can't front it was pretty crazy. Me and the crew were stuck all the way at the back and when Drake came out the place exploded. Special surprise guest was Bun B and I was really hoping to hear him do more then one track but it was dope none the less. While chilling in the back I saw some asian dude going off with the dance moves and got girls to grind on him.. Hit up C Lounge after was totally not my scene and then to a more intimate setting where I enjoyed dinner with my friends... another classic night...

Shout outs to Ami


Jew Fro

this t shirt is amazing...

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Dinner after the show/club with good friends is always priceless

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