Saturday, May 23, 2009


we gave our friend the surprise of a lifetime at the old spaghetti factory. Close friends all came together for Mr.Marzo, and I must say our friend Q had jokes to last the whole evening. Had a great time, the food wasn't all that special but I truthfully didn't expect anything spectacular as I once went on a terrible date to the old spaghetti factory. Ended up going to Circa to see Diplo DJ, I must say it was probably one of my worst times at Circa ever.. if it wasnt for the free bottle (thanks JR & Dpeezy) I would have forsure had an even worst time.. Hope you had a good birthday Kev.

fake Robin Nishio

hovering above the stage was a glass booth where a girl was giving it her all, shaking her buns and not wearing any underwear.. sorry but I was forced to film this. Less then a minute in to filming this some crazy bitch tried to push me off the stage because she found what I was doing to be offensive.. ah well.

geeks with sneaks...

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