Saturday, May 9, 2009

NY April 09 Day Three/Four

Early start in Bayridge, jogged in the morning then off to a local pizzeria for some real Brooklyn pizza. Usually on that health tip but authentic New York/Brooklyn pizza is really hard to resist. Headed Uptown to Harlem for the Acapulco Gold skate event; got to see my dude Billy Rohan, Alex Corporan and a few others. The event ended a little early so me and Rebel moved forth to the Polo mansion. After visiting a variety of stores with in the area headed to Broadway & Lafayette to see some friends. Ran into Javy Jav, NA, and some others... Waiting for my friend to finish work and bumped into Reda, been a huge fan for quite sometime so it was real good to meet him. Dinner, chilling and the rest was history...


douche bag family


Harlem cowboy

Alex Corporan and Harry Jumonji

Billy Rohan - a real good human being.

One of the first and greatest pizzeria's

polo mansion

one of the best stores i've ever stepped foot in - Double RL (390 Bleerer st.)

this car was from conneticut and basically the reason why I would never want to go to conneticut

Loooong Bill.. purchased by tommy, Double RL of course.

Arrived at Lafayette... dude was killin the pull ups (pause)

Javy Jav



back to brooklyn...

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