Thursday, May 14, 2009

NY April 09 - Day Four/Five

Last day in New York City, drove out to a neighborhood in Fort Green, Brooklyn probably one of my favorite destinations on the whole trip. A really great vibe all around and one things forsure they got amazing food out there. Had lunch at Habana Outpost some of the most amazing Cuban food i've ever tasted and although this spot is a bit trendy I only have good things to say about it - the corn was next level. Made way back to the city, first destination Ralph Lauren. Shopped around and walked around eventually went back to SSUR right as they were closing, checked out the chop shop and back to Brooklyn. Stopped by Pirates house and got to meet Skorn I must say that those dudes are runnin that Polo shit.. wow. Dinner at Grimaldi's and the tour of Brooklyn. Had an all around amazing trip, let the images do the talking from here on in... Shout out to Rebel, The Harlem Cake Man, Skorn, Pirate and all the others that held me down.

by far one of the best names for a pizzeria

Habana Outpost... get familiar!


this DJ was sick...

the harlem cake man got the goods

red velvet

Lombardi's classic instiution for pizza

Double RL... ahhh man.. again and again!
Ralph Lauren forever and ever and ever and ever

700 hundred dollar jeans anyone? if i had the money i'd buy em...

handicap dog



left manhattan...

Gucci matches, they belong to Skorn aka the style god of chicago

Garbage bags full of Lo.. but below are the real gems... peep Pirate's collection. had to water mark these images...


Skorn, Rebel, Pirate

one of Chicago's kings of Polo and an all around Fashion god.. take notes kiddies.

It wouldn't be a trip to New York or shall I say Brooklyn with out visiting Grimaldi's

act like you know!

Red Hook

arrived safe and sound on a rainy day... hello Toronto

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