Friday, November 18, 2011

Helen Mirren Pictures

Helen Mirren Pictures
Illiana Lydia Petrovna Mironova, better known by the name of Helen Mirren's father was born of a descendant of the original Russian and English mother. Helen's father had played viola in the London Philharmonic Orchestra, before eventually working at the Department of Transportation. In his personal kehudipan, Helen was married to director Taylor Hackford on December 31, 1997.

When Helen was 18, he tried his luck with the National Youth Theatre audition. Although accepted, only about 2 years later she gets a role in the play. Since then, she began an active role in several drama performances including REVENGER'S THE TRAGEDY, The Seagull, and The Duchess of MALFI.

Role in the theater stage is then brought Helen Mirren reaching the silver screen. No fewer than 50 films starring this actress already included WHITE NIGHTS, Greenfingers, RAISING HELEN, NATIONAL TREASURE: BOOK OF SECRETS, INKHEART, STATE OF PLAY, and THE LAST STATION.

Helen had won four Emmy Awards over the movie Prime Suspect 4: Scent of DARKNESS, THE PASSION OF Ayn Rand, ELIZABETH I, and Prime Suspect: THE FINAL ACT.

Thanks to his role as Sofya Tolstoy in THE LAST STATION, Helen was nominated as Best Actress at the Academy Awards to-82.
Helen Mirren Pictures .

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